Thursday, January 25, 2007

my small cows (ali poo and mohammad moo) go with me everywhere

(still at #95. i love my cows too much!)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

big cows in breakfast

all cows enjoy [clean] socks as their favourite meal.

big cows having breakfast while basking in the morning sun.
big cows are quite agreeable and happy right now. ^_^

small cows (the final compilation of #95)

zee small cows are quite small.

please note: small cows are smaller than they appear in the picture.
small poo (on the left)--being the big baddie he is sometimes--is trying to push away small moo (on the right) to ensure that he is the centre of attention.

the facts:

the small cows are approximately about the size of the average man's palm (each cow, that is).

in comparison to the big cows, the small cows are each about the size of one-eyed dogs head. of course, that is assuming the small cows are stretching out their paws. they are quite small.

the small cows tend to be more rowdier, louder, and mischevious than the big cows. in fact, the big cows are generally quite passive. big cows spend most as much time as possible chomping on socks (duck's sock supply/demand permitting)

small cows are best for giving kisses and big cows for hugs as small cows are quite small and big cows are quite soft and fluffy. big cows are also handy as both something to hug and a pillow during naps.

cakes likes naps with the big cows and the duck. small cows usually take this opportunity to scurry about. small cows are big terrorists. silly small cows.

i love the small cows.

i love the big cows.

i love my cows.

Friday, June 16, 2006

BIG cows!!!

this is the big cows. (please refer to #95.)

big cows are watching footsieball. big cows are watching with one-eyed-dog (their neighbour). silly big cows are rooting for brazil. smart big cows.

Friday, March 31, 2006

94. meowsies

94. i "meow" a lot. i might as well been a cat. or perhaps i was a cat, in my past life or maybe my next life--i will never know. more frequently, i use it to say "hello" or "goodbye" to people. sometimes i will use to express my confusion. so meows. and my name is lily.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

95. moos and poos

95. i have this ridiculous obsession with stuffed animals. (please refer to the butt chewing off of #100.) or to be more exact, my four cows, or two sets of cows. one set is the infamous small cows, mr moo and mr poo. they are also known as mohammad moo and ali poo since their conversion to islam. ali poo is the more devious one of the two, always scheming up silly plans for battles, escapades,--and the latest--mining. poor mohammad moo has to accompany ali poo to make sure that silly small poo doesn't injure himself or get lost.

as for the big cows, big moo and big poo, they are much more sensible. currently, big moo and big poo working on towards a degree on managing duck kingdom, where they are residing due to foreign political turmoils. i suppose you can say that all the cows are in exile for the moment. very studious, the big cows that is. oh yes, on another note, the big cows also make wonderful unabombers for the small cows' missions.

(a picture will be posted in the future)


16 June 2006 (8:07PM):
big cows' picture has been posted.

29 August 2006 (2:14AM):
a picture of the small cows has been finally posted.

#95 is complete.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

96. i am procrastinating as i write this...

96. i love to procrastinate. well, actually, i don't love it. i just merely hate doing my homework. or anything else that i "have" to do on a certain deadline until the last hours. in fact, i have an essay on the China-Taiwan issue that has been pastdue for some time now. and i still refuse to get it done for tomorrow. i may start later on tonight. "may".